Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Weird Goals!


How was your Tuesday? Mine was typical...Nothing too horrific. Pretty normal day. Work, gym, home, dinner, and now some time to chill out before I study. Anyone else as excited as I am for the new Snooki and Jwoww season tonight?? I know, I'm weird. Moving on...


Breakfast was some left over bacon from Sunday morning. This was quite the gem when I opened the fridge and remembered it was in there. It reheated very well! Who doesn't love bacon?? I had a few people come in my "office" and ask what I was cooking....I guess the smell was a tease..Sorry guys! 


I'm not going to post a picture of lunch. I had more leftovers from dinner Sunday night...In other words, more Russian Chicken and spaghetti squash. Womp Womp! There was SO much! 
Weird Goals???

What exactly do I mean by that??? Well... I have a very weird, and somewhat embarrassing, goal that I would like to reach during one of my work outs someday..

I would like to make my arms and shoulders sweat. WEIRD! I warned ya! 

This all stems from when I was living in a dorm for like 5 minutes (Sorry, Ness)! 

My roommate, and best friend since 6th grade, was a beast when she worked out. She and I would go down in to the basement gym to work out. She would jump on the elliptical or treadmill and just go! I noticed that she would literally have sweat pouring down her arms and at some point I made this my idea of a kick a** work out! Someday, Stac, someday....

We were awesome.

 I always wondered why naturally thin people worked out. I never (until now) put two and two  together to make myself realize that they work out to STAY healthy and fit! Such an odd realization, but it's true. I always wondered why they wouldn't enjoy just having the body they do. Guess what?? If naturally thin people don't work out, their bodies won't be as healthy either! Shocking! I know! So all my fellow chubbie ladies, you can quit hating on your naturally skinny best friend just because she hits up the gym when you would kill to just not have to. :)

So I took my chubbie lady self over to the gym after work for some cardio and lifting. I was supposed to take a class tonight, but wasn't feeling very social. Just wanted to do my own thing. I got in about 40 minutes on the elliptical (no shoulder sweat yet) and about 20 minutes of upper body. I am sore, but I love this kind of sore!


 After my work out, I cooked up a DELICIOUS dinner! Breaded and baked chicken tenders, cauliflower "mac" n' cheese, and steamed green beans. I loved this meal. Turns out perfect every time.

The key to keeping baked chicken juicy and tender is vinegar. WHATTTT?? I learned this from a show I watched forever ago. When breading your chicken, put a TBS of vinegar in your egg/milk combo. The vinegar will break down the chicken a bit and it will turn out perfect every time! You won't taste it either! I bread my chicken with Special K protein cereal that I run through the food processor and season because it's lower in carbs and higher in protein than traditional bread crumbs. Makes for a nice crunch too!

I make my cauliflower and cheese just like I would make normal baked macaroni and cheese. Because I try and do low carb these days, I use mashed up cauliflower instead of noodles. Also quite yummy!

There you have it! Another day in my post-op life! :)

Have a great night!!!

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