Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Some Thoughts...

Hey everyone! How's life treatin' ya?

Things are pretty nice over here..  Just trying to enjoy summer and prepare for nursing school to star this fall... (Good Lord is that process expensive!)..

Not too much share with the health thing.. Thankfully, I am doing well and just trying to get by... It's a day to day struggle for me. A battle between my love of food and my need to be healthy. I have found myself focusing lately more on eating "clean" and trying to get healthy rather than just trying to "get skinny". I have finally realized the value in whole, organic, unprocessed foods. It's terrifying what companies add in to processed food today. Right now, the general rule of thumb is if I can read the label and KNOW what's in it, I buy it. If not, I don't. I won't claim to be perfect or even try. This is a learning process for me and I am a continually evolving project.

I wanted to share this picture with everyone. I saw it online and it sent shivers down my spine to the point where I started to cry.

  Childhood obesity (and preventing it) is a huge passion of mine right now. If we can start children early on and teach them not just HOW to eat healthfully, but WHY, maybe we can save even one child from struggling with adulthood obesity. I think back to being a child and my parents having me on diets from age 7 or 8. They always tried telling me WHAT to do, but I never remember any real consistency or reasons given to me other than "you'll be so much prettier if you were only thin". Ugh.. BIGGEST pet peeve comment. I WILL throat punch the next person I hear that from. Please, I beg of you... Teach your children WHY early on! Don't be afraid to show them what struggles they COULD face when they get older. Teach them to enjoy healthy snacks in moderation.

Also, reserve things like Xbox and Playstation as rewards! Do not use them just as babysitters. Children these days are sedentary for 7+ hours a day in school. The last thing they need is an entire evening of mindless gaming that offers no real value. I actually read a blog the other day where the blogger had gotten a phone call from her son's school to tell her that he got "in trouble" and was made to sit in time out for all of recess because he "ran on the playground". Apparently, running on the playground is against school policy because kids could get hurt... Who the hell cares??? Kids are SUPPOSED to get hurt! Kids scrape knees, break arms, and get bruised up... They still survive. A child that ends up with Type 2 Diabetes by age 12 may not survive though.

Ok, I am going to step down from my soapbox now... The moral of my rant? Teach them young. Children are SO smart and absorb SO much. Get their brains and bodies moving and prepare them for a healthy, happy future!