Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Do It For YOU!


So this week has been a rough one...Is it realllly only Tuesday??
I found out that starting next Monday, I am being reassigned to a location TEN minutes from my house. Free parking (HUGE DEAL--For those that work in the city, you know how nice of a break this is) and I will get lots of extra mileage. SO excited! Unfortunately, the current office I'm working in does not think they are ready for me or my coworker to leave yet and almost put a stop to my "near home" bliss. It was a stressful day waiting to hear the final decision yesterday.

While anxiously waiting to hear the news, I decided to finally go get my new license picture taken on my lunch hour just IN CASE I wouldn't be in the city starting Monday. I've been putting this off forever (have my camera card and everything, just need the pic). With 30 days left to get this done, off I went to AAA. It seriously didn't even take 15 minutes! lol I actually laughed at how long I put this off and it was so painless. After I was given my new license, I naturally decided to look at my old versus my new pictures. I literally "laughed out loud" when I saw how swollen my face looks in the old pic--bee sting, perhaps??? Unfortunately, not...just fat. :(

 As I usually do, I posted the "side by side" picture on Facebook for some laughs. I recieved this oh-so-kind comment after I posted the picture and it sparked a whole fury of conversation.

This brings me to the title of my post today. Whatever you need to do FOR YOU or to keep you motivated, do it! Who cares what anyone else thinks? People will be unkind, nasty, and even jealous. That's a price of success. Be it financial, weight, relationships, or just life in general, someone will always be out to make themselves feel better by making you feel badly. I will admit, this made me feel horrible. I broke down crying in the middle of a grocery store and it took me almost a half hour to get myself back together enough to go in to work. The pain for me was how much he discounted the hard work it has taken me (and many others that have had gastric bypass) to lose weight. I've said it before and I'll say it again...If I don't move, neither does my scale. If I eat poorly, I pay the price. Comments like this man made keep the "they're just lazy" stigma of gastric bypass patients alive. It's shameful.

Thankfully, I have an amazing support system of family an friends who came to my "rescue" yesterday and helped me to realize I do not need negative people around me. I have too many positive people to get in their way. Love you all! Just remember, as an adult, you get the right to CHOOSE who you have around you. I choose to have happy, encouraging people in my life and I choose to be happy!

                                     This one is for you, Jim!


  1. People can be losers I love before and after pictures

  2. What a jerk! As my daughter would say, "Stop being a hater!" lol Ignore people like him. I think it hurt me more when a complete stranger oinked at me while i was in the toy aisle with my daughter as we were shopping at Walmart. I guess I'd rather be hated for something I did to improve myself than to be hated for something I have power over. I took my power back & people are jealous & mad. I feel sorry for him because if anything he should've felt motivated and encouraged by you. Sad...
