Monday, October 21, 2013

Go Away, Monday!

I have such a case of the Mondays today...Sigh...

Monday is my long day at school, so my entire day is just spent dreading the fact that I cannot head home directly after work. I'm a bit of a home body these days (what else can you do when studying has become a serious, daily event??)...

My weekend was fabulous, but Friday night was a bit of a carb overload, so today I was looking forward to eating some protein and getting back to my normal routine.


This morning started out with 1/2 cup of low fat cottage cheese and a few chunks of fresh pineapple. SO GOOD! 
I'v found that I am absolutely starving about half way through my morning if I eat a high carb breakfast, such as a bagel. A few hours later, I am ravenous and will grab the first thing within my sight--which is horrible because my current "office" is in the break room of a doctors office, so there is ALWAYS some kind of sweet treat hanging out with me all day. 


Lunch today came in the form of some leftovers from dinner last night. Russian chicken and spaghetti squash. I am disgustingly obsessed with spaghetti squash. If you've never tried it, do! All you have to do is brush it with some olive oil, turn it upside down on a baking sheet, and roast it for about an hour at 350 or until it is fork tender. When its done, let it cool until you can hold it, then use a fork to scrape out your "noodles". I love it! Great, low carb substitute for noodles!


Another favorrrrittteee!!! So I can't stress enough how much I LOVE Aldi... If you know me well, you know I'm a serious bargain shopper, so Aldi has some awesome buys that I just can't get enough of! Happy Farms Colby Jack Snack Sticks would be one of them! 85 calories and 6 grams of protein, I  love munching on one of these mid-morning or on my way to school.


Unfortunately, dinner didn't make it in to my pictures, but I had some chinese food. I can only eat a few bites of whatever we order, so I usually just eat some of whatever the mister gets and leave it at that. Tonight happened to be chicken lo mein. My gastric bypass pouch wasn't too fond of it, but it is what it is. I still need to get some more protein and calories in, so I am thinking a protein shake with a scoop of my Carb Smart ice cream in it later! Yummo! 

So there is s normal "eating" day for me. I didn't get a work out in tonight like I'd hoped to, but I am SO excited for Body Sculpting class tomorrow night at a gym located literally at the end of my apartment complex drive way! Here is a recycled pic of my oh-so-gorgeous (yeah, right!), sweaty self after taking this class then following it up with some cardio last week! Definitely a challenge and I felt it for (literally) days after, but I adored it and can't wait till tomorrow evening. :) 

Have an awesome night!


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