Monday, October 14, 2013

Unveiling The Truths of Gastric Bypass

Good Afternoon!
Happy Monday, All! I hope your day is going swimmingly! :)
I decided to write a post about my experiences (so far) after having gastric bypass. I feel like after a few months, I am able to share some things with people and have it be honest.
The opinions I'm about to express are from MY personal experience and do not reflect everyone's own experience.
I've had SO many questions and comments over the past few months about my surgery. I find that most people are more curious than anything, but some choose to just be nosey (and sometimes plain rude). Well, I am going to share with you the good, the bad, and the ugly of going through such a major procedure because I feel like many people are very ignorant of what it actually is and why it is a necessity for some. If you're a squeamish person, this post also may not be for you!!

What is gastric bypass?
--Gastric bypass is a procedure which a surgeon forms the stomach into a small pouch (usually the size of an egg), then cuts about 1.5 feet of small intestine out and reattaches the rest of the intestine up to the pouch. The old stomach is left in the abdomen behind the new bypassed pouch, but does not function to absorb food anymore. This procedure leaves a person unable to eat more than 1/4-1 cup of food at any given time. It also keeps a person from absorbing as many nutrients and calories as a normal person for a period of about 2 years. After that period of time, the human body (being as amazing as it is) compensates and starts to absorb the calories and nutrients again at just about normal levels.
It is so important for those that have this procedure to learn a healthier lifestyle and maximize weight loss during the first two years, so weight loss can continue or be maintained once the body begins to absorb normally again.

Gastric Bypass Pros?!
It has been the best decision of my life. It still baffles my mind that I can eat a 2 oz grilled chicken breast and be absolutely stuffed! Not being able to overeat (and not being hungry) allows me to put in to practice everything I've always known about proper nutrition and portion control. With this knowledge comes some great changes in my health and body!

This is a pic I took the other day, sorry they're not the same view of my body. PRO-- down about 80lbs! I feel SO much healthier!

Now on to the cons of having this surgery... And there are many...

#1. I will be taking a million vitamins for the rest of my life.

And NO, I'm not pregnant!! Lol Pre-natal multivitamins are better for bariatric patients who need the extra folic acid. I take 2 of each of these meds twice daily. Sometimes they make me very very sick.

#2. Side Effects of Malnutrition.

No matter how many vitamins I take, I still only absorb about half of whatever I consume and that has some pretty traumatic side effects...

This is from brushing my hair after my shower. My hair is getting VERY thin. It falls out continuously.

Due to a lack of iron (anemia), I bruise like nobody's business. These marks on my legs are just from crossing them at work.

Maybe someday I'll get the courage to show this one, but I have a lot of loose skin. From bingo wings to a stomach apron... NOT. FUN.

So there is the good and bad. For those of you who are already skinny, just work at keeping it that way! Trying to lose weight is a horrible battle that so many people struggle with daily. For those losing weight or considering surgery, make sure you research research research before doing anything! I'm happy with my decision, but many aren't.

Good luck and here's to a healthy life! :)

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