Saturday, December 14, 2013

Walking in a Winter Wonderland!

Wow! What a sight all of the snow is today! It's both beautiful and annoying at the same time. I think most can agree that it would be much prettier if it only snowed on lawns and trees. :)
The Engineer and I have been enjoying the new addition to our little family. About 3 weeks ago, we went out and purchased the beast up in the photo (no, not the Cobalt, silly). His truck has been giving him trouble for a couple months now and it was time. Needless to say, we are LOVING riding around in snowy weather (I've currently been campaigning to go out in it again today, but so far am unsuccessful. haha). We ventured out earlier this morning for some groceries, but it was getting yucky and that's about all we needed to do.

 I went to my first ever spin class at what felt like the crack of dawn this morning. Holy ouch! It was a huge pain in the butt, LITERALLY. I can't lie and say I wasn't watching every minute pass by on the clock, my "undercarriage" was in pain from beginning to end, but I did it and will try it again! Everyone I have talked to says that the key to comfort is sticking with it, so that's my plan. I will let you all know, if you are thinking about trying it, be prepared to sit on an ice pack later on in the day. It was a fun class though! Kate, the instructor, was SO sweet and willing to help me with any questions I had! One of the ladies in the class helped me set up my bike before it started as well. ***Another tip for those thinking about trying spin*** Arrive about 10-15 minutes early in order to have the instructor or a classmate help you set up your bike. This is SO important in order to get the most out of your work out and avoid injuries. Luckily, a friend of mine gave me this little tip a while back, so I arrived early and prepared. Also, let the instructor know you're new. Don't be ashamed! You are there, which is more than some can say. Everyone is a newbie at some point and most people are very willing to help out and share their knowledge/tips.

When I arrived home from class (after a Dunkin Donuts run, of course), I was STARVING! Hindsight is 20/20... I should have eaten prior to class, but I was just lucky to be awake at 7AM on a Saturday without an alarm!  We had ham for dinner last night, so this morning I whipped up this yummy western omelet. SO GOOD! That and my iced coffee..Yum!

After breakfast, my sweetie and I went out for our groceries and I was good and hungry again by the time we got back. Lately, I have been craving tuna and wanting to try out a "noodle-less" recipe, so I did today and it was delicious. Ladies and gents, I give you... Tuna Noodle-less Casserole! 

Ok, I will admit how gross looking it is, but I assure you the taste and high protein content make up for it's lack of eye pleasure!

Tuna Noodle-Less Casserole
1 can tuna in water (drained)
1/4 c. fat free cream of chicken soup
1/4 c. low fat cheddar cheese
Dash of each onion powder, garlic powder, and pepper.

Mix and microwave until the cheese is melted.
235 cals
30 grams of protein....BAM!!!

About an hour ago I was feeling a little hungry, but not wanting anything big so I dug in to my container of Cherubs for a little afternoon pick-me-up. I don't care what time of the year I buy these, they are always juicy and full of flavor.

Well, that's about it for now.. Earlier in the post I mentioned that I was campaigning to go out and play in the snow. About half way through typing this, The Engineer asked if I would want to go out and try some soup at a nearby delicatessen for dinner. Yay! Stay safe if you venture out tonight!  

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