Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Home Sick :(

Hi People!

Happy Hump Day! And no... I'm not gonna say it. lol As much as the camel makes me crack up, I'm a bit over hearing the Hump Day commercial every Wednesday.

My week has been a bit abnormal, as I am off of work for a while. Monday morning, I had to have my gall bladder out. This was a bit fast. I just found out a week ago that it wasn't in good shape and needed to come out sooner than later. So out it came! The Engineer has been amazing. He took a few days of of work to take care of me because I'm a total baby when I'm not feeling well (Yes, I am pathetic when I am sick). Not surprisingly though, this has been my easiest surgery this year. Aside from being nauseated, there hasn't been a ton of pain. My GIGANTIC heating pad has definitely been a life saver (as it always is when I need it).

Seriously, this thing is HUGE! It's 26 inches long and 12 inches wide. LOVEEEE IT!!!!!!! We bought it originally when The Engineer needed back surgery. It was a nice option because it could cover from the top of his back to the bottom instead of needing to shift it a ton.

I haven't had much in the way of food going on this week. Solid food just doesn't seem to be sitting well in my pouch, so I have been doing a lot of protein shakes.. This also may have something to do with an early Christmas present my wonderful fiance bought for me...

Meet my Ninja Professional Blender Kit! AHHHHHH!!! I have wanted one of these forever! The Engineer surprised me by purchasing it online after I had mentioned how much I wanted one. This thing has it all! Blender, food processor, 2 personal shake blenders, juicer, and many blades for different slicing and dicing! I have been experimenting with it and can't wait to do more! It absolutely pulverizes anything I throw in it!

 My breakfast yesterday morning.

2 scoops Click Espresso Protein Powder
4 skim "milk cubes"--which is 1/2 cup of skim milk
1 cup light almond milk

Turned out SO creamy and smooth! Hello, Frappuccino!

The Engineer also enjoyed a nice strawberry/orange smoothie last night. Needless to say, we are impressed.

The To-Go cups are also nice just to use for drinks. I made some strawberry/lime infused water in one of them to have throughout the day yesterday and today. I LOVE infused water. Just gives such a nice sweetness, but without anything artificial. I find that I am trying to get rid of as much artificial junk as I can these days. Not always possible with a busy schedule, but I try when I can.

                                                      Strawberry/Lime water-- YUM!

Staying hydrated is SO SO important. Whether you're trying to lose weight, not lose weight, or just live. Water is vital for every function in our body. They say to drink eight 8oz glasses of non-caloric, non-caffeinated liquid a day to stay completely hydrated. This comes out to 64 ounces of fluid a day. If you are working out regularly (per my surgeon), it is important to up that to about half of your body weight or at least 96 oz in a day. Staying hydrated not only keeps your mind working correctly, it will also help keep your skin looking smooth, your hair from breaking, and you will have much more energy. Water can be delicious! Try throwing some of your favorite fruit in a pitcher over night and see how much flavor you'll get!

That's all I have for you today! Have a great night and drink up! - Water, that is... ;)

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