Friday, April 6, 2012

Goooooood Friday!

Hello again friends!

Sorry it has been so long since my last post (remember... only as much as I can. lol) . So this week has been pretty good. Normal work week and hanging out with The Engineer. I did get to spend some time with my wonderful sisters at my nephews birthday party!

My Seeestterrss! 
(My stepmom is in there as well, didn't want to put a bad one of the 5 of us up! This was the best one! lol)

Nephew's bowling party! Happy Birthday, Buddy! Love you! 

The Engineer and I have been very busy looking for a place to rent this summer. It's so much harder to find what we want than I thought it would be! Between working and searching around, we are so busy! we do have a few that look promising, so keep your fingers crossed! 

Anyone have any apartment/rental home finding tips??

Let's get to the name of this post... Good Friday!

A lot of families have traditions for Good Friday. Mine has always just gotten together for Easter Sunday (which they are doing tomorrow, but the non-profit has me working my day away).  Easter was one of the coolest holidays as a kid. I lovedddd getting to go shopping with my "GP" for a pretty dress, gloves, socks, shoes, and hat then dolling up for one of the coolest church services of the year. After that, going to grams for yummy food and the best part.... The Easter Basket!! I have yet to be the "basket putter together", but I'm sure it will only be a matter of time. LOL 

What are your Good Friday plans this year??? 

The Engineer and I both had today of so we spent the majority of it looking online at rentals. I also went grocery shopping and cleaned a bit... Yay Friday! lol The Engineer is spending some MUCH NEEDED time out with his friends so what does that mean for me.......????? 


Sitting under "Old Blue", watching Father of the Bride Part II, drinking my favorite wine, and eating Nutella Swirl brownies... Ummm heck yes!!! Unfortunately, I have to work early in the AM, but if this doesn't wipe away the weekend working blues, I don't know what will?? :) :) 

Well, my glass is empty, so that means I must go refill! lol 

Happy Easter everyone!! 

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