Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Not just any Tuesday..

Today is a special day...

Want to know why??

On this day, 6 months ago, a VERY special person made his way into this world...


You know those moments that make you realize how time just flies by? Well, this is one. I can't seem to wrap my brain around the fact that lil man is 6 months old already. No doubt, an absolute blessing to our family. He is the best!

On to Tuesday..


This morning I had a quick, but very filling breakfast.. A favorite of mine!

Cookie Dough Cereal

I just LOVE it! So filling, has awesome staying power, and the best part..? It tastes like oatmeal chocolate chip cookies! Say what?!?!

Here is how I prepare it..

1/2 Cup Old Fashioned or Instant Oats
1 TBS Mini Chocolate Chips (I use gluten, soy, dairy, and wheat free)
1/2 tsp Cinnamon
1 Packet Stevia (or sweetener of your choice)
1 Cup Almond Milk (Or whatever milk you prefer)

The directions are way easy..Mix and Eat! :) 

I ate half of a grapefruit on the side, just to round things out. Lol

After a few hours of work, my stomach was talking up a storm. I decided to go heat up my soup and just eat it at my desk (trying to make up for lost time from my hour of extra sleep yesterday). 

Well... That's when things went terribly wrong...

Yes, that would be my soup everywhere except my mouth. Fail. :( 
Obviously, my multitasking skills leave something to be desired...

I managed to finish the 1/4 cup that was left in the bowl and then snacked on a 100 calorie bag of popcorn. 


I had BIG plans on going to a local gym tonight and take their water aerobics class. I found a new love for water aerobics. SO fun and a really good workout! I was so surprised! It's great if you are looking for something to do without the added stress on your joints.  My plans changed when I called the gym and they told me they do not have 1 day passes and I must sign up for a membership to come.. Umm..No. The gym I originally tried DOES give one day passes and even gives a discount to staff of the company I work for.. AWESOME! I will be signing up later this week!

Until then.. I turned on the tv and found a great walking Video On Demand which turned out to be a lot more challenging than I had anticipated! 



With exercise and cleaning my house out of the way, it is time for a hot shower and dinner!

Night! It's one day closer to Friday! :)

Monday, March 11, 2013

I Can Feel It!

I can feel it.... Can you??

Summer is just around the corner! Yayyy!! I can't wait! Flip flops, bon fires, grilled food, and the best part...NO SNOW! This also means, of course, that wanting to get "in shape" and shed the winter pounds is looming in many people's minds (I know it's in mine). My focus on healthy eating and working out has taken a new direction in my life. Now I am not only trying to lose weight, but I have also been paying particular attention to what is actually IN my food. Do you reallly know what is in that McDonald's chicken nugget? Or do you just ASSUME its all white meat chicken breast? "Food" for thought! ;)


This morning (after I strolled in to work an hour late..oops!) started off with a toasted english muffin and a vegetarian "grilled chicken" patty in between...YUM! Obviously, I had a hard time waiting and forgot to snap a pic before taking a giant bite out of it. :) On the side, I munched on a mangled chopped up red grapefruit.

A little rough looking, but delicious and nutrient/protein packed!

Though I have been lately, I did not eat a snack in between breakfast and lunch. A busy day at work made my morning fly and it was time for lunch before I knew it!

I didn't snap a pic because it wasn't anything new or exciting.. A leftover piece of grilled chicken parm and a salad.

I worked my afternoon away and then hit the road for my next Monday task..school. The drive wasn't as bad when I smelled someone having a bon fire on my way.. Isn't that just the best smell in the world??

Womp Womp! 

The Engineer and I ordered dinner tonight because we are both tired and I got home a little last from class. 

I want to share a recipe with everyone that is my Mister's FAVORITE quick breakfast. 

Protein Cookie Balls
I really need to think of a better name.. 

I make a batch of these once a week and pack 2 or 3 of them (depending on how large they are) in The Engineers lunch. He LOVES them!!

So here it is..
                                       1 Cup Peanut butter (or nut butter you like)
                                       2 Cups oats
                                       2/3 Cup mini chocolate chips
                                       (I use the gluten, soy, wheat, and dairy free ones)
                                      2/3 Cup Toasted Coconut
                                      1/3 Cup Honey or Agave Nectar

                      Just mix all of the ingredients up, roll in to balls, and store in the fridge! YUM!
                      They are about 100 calories/ball, depending on size. 

                                     Time to pack lunches and get ready for Tuesday! 

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Hey, All!

Soooo much has happened since my last post (last year). I really need to start keeping up with this bad boy! Life just keeps getting better and better.

Last summer, The Engineer and I moved into a beautiful apartment in the North Hills.

                                                               Look! TWO couches!

Check out my counter space!!! ..Just a slight upgrade from our one bedroom, closet-sized apartment. Lol

We have been in love with living in the new location. We moved to be closer to The Engineer's job. He is a busy little bee these days. Work has changed for me as well. The very SAME weekend that we moved, I started a new job working a large breast cancer center. Definitely a different career move for me, as I have never worked in oncology. It is actually a wonderful field, and I love it. The patients are awesome. 

So, a little more about life!

The Engineer and I have had one HUGE change in our lives that came around Christmas....


 Bling bling check out my ring! ;) 

2012 was nothing short of the best year of my life.

I am looking forward to sharing everything that will be happening in 2013, as I have a lot of plans. I intend on turning this blog into a bit of a "healthy living" blog. The Engineer and I have been starting to learn more about living healthfully. I am hoping that by sharing my meals I am creating and work outs I have been doing, it will give me a sense of accountability and maybe some motivation for those reading.
Please always feel free to share your healthy recipes/favorite work outs on here! They will be welcomed and attempted!

Here's to the start of something new!